Embracing the Silence
Meditation is beyond good for the soul it is the place where there are no words when we slip into the language of God. It is the place where the best of us resides and all else disappears.
As the new season is coming in I like to use this time to revamp my thoughts to quietly and gently begin to go within. Meditate more, read more, and in general stay close to home and rest more. I tend to write more during this time of year just because I slow down enough to do it.
I also intend to rev up my yoga practice more now that fall is coming in.
The new moon bought the Eclipse I do hope new goals and intentions were set ...I know I did! I throughly enjoyed the pause in the Universe we all took. And I am planning to continue vibrating on that same level for as long as I can keep it going. I shared this poem by me on social media the next day.
I found that day to be a day we all paused and gave props to Something greater than ourselves. I call that Something God. It was a good day. I grab the silent place in myself daily in meditation to continue having good days no matter what. Folks will come at you with all kinds of nonsense and yes I get caught up sometimes but I always get back to that place of peace at least I try to...and let it go, forgive and move on...trusting we are all doing the best that we can. But sometimes I have to shake my head at the foolishness going on in the world. That's when the silence really helps. Meditation, long walks, lavender baths, or just head set and classical music... whatever is available. I have to turn off the news and the noise and go into the silence even for 5 minutes just to "reclaim my time" (thank you Maxine Waters ).
So when it gets to be too much find a quiet spot embrace the silence it really is the language of God....and just listen. Embrace the silence and let the silence embrace you. Peace Kim
Above quote by the Amazing poet Rumi I love Rumi!